Monday, October 8, 2007

Prayer Meeting Tonight Oct 8th

For those of you who are unable to attend here are the notes for Week 1.

Becoming a praying parent, grandparent, teacher or friend.

Our Goals
Have thoughtful time in prayer.

Set aside time daily to cover the children in your lives in prayer. Prayer journal, book of prayers, pray out loud, visualize. Whatever works and keeps you connected to God.

Watch for change.

Pray when you discipline.

Lean on God as your other parent.

Prayer partner to keep you on track, preferably someone in your lifegroup.


List three traits you see as your child’s best qualities.

List the three biggest concerns you have for your child.

Does your child have any negative character traits that need to be covered in prayer? If so list.

Is there anything you would like to change in yourself or the way you parent, grandparent or teach? Additionally pray for unconditional love that smoothes all the rough places, heals wounds, and covers weaknesses.

What do you desire for your children? Are these the same things God desires for them? Galatians 5:22-25

Use these lists to develop your "prayer plan of action for the week".

Areas of Prayer to cover our children

Release control unto God
Protection from Harm
Feeling loved and accepted
Establishing an Eternal Future
Honoring parents and authority
Resisting Rebellion
Attracting godly friends and role models
Develop a hunger for the things of God
Being the person God created
Following Truth, rejecting lies
Instilling the desire to learn
Identifying God-given talents
Staying attracted to holiness and purity
Freedom from fear
Receiving a sound mind
Inviting the joy of the Lord
Avoiding alcohol, drugs, and other addictions
Rejecting sexual immorality
Finding the perfect mate
Walking in Repentance
Breaking down ungodly strongholds
Seeking Wisdom and Discernment
Growing in faith

Monday, October 1, 2007

Prayer Goals for Week 1

Here are items we will focus on for Week 1.
  • Have thoughtful time in prayer. Many times we pray for what is on our minds, right now! This week we will focus on each child and how they need to be covered in prayer. We will take time to itemize character traits (good and bad) and focus our prayers on these items.
  • We will also take a look at ourselves as parents and ask God to strengthen our resolve in raising godly young people.
  • Prayer partners. I would encourage everyone participating to choose a prayer partner from their own lifegroups. Prayer partners will keep each other on task and encouraged.

Up and rolling, not really

This is where I plan to lay out what our prayer group is focusing on. Scripture to encourage and ideas to keep us focused. I would like to use this as a tool of keeping us connected to our mission of prayer and to keep connected to those who are unable to attend prayer sessions. Please us the comments for discussion. I also plan on having others be able to post and access this site.
God Bless. Jennifer