Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Built By Jennifer

Today I finished a book, sewed a shirt, and shopped a bit. Pretty good day. This shirt is a Built by Wendy pattern Simplicity 3835. It is my practice shirt and I think it came out great. Very comfy. I thought I would start out with the shirt and then progress into the dress. There are so many variations of this pattern that I think it could keep me busy at least through June. Next up another shirt in non-practice fabric and then a dress!


Tracy Batchelder said...

Don't you love days you can spend in comfy clothes? Even better when you make them yourself. I've not done much with my sewing machine. And, have never sewed any real clothes. I'm impressed. Nice work!

Debbie said...

Hey! Nice shirt..doesn't look like practice fabric to me...looks like the good stuff..

Hmmm..where'd your head go in that picture :P

Sounds like you had a good day!

Debbie said...

Hey....did you make any alterations to that there pattern...I've read some people think that the arms are unusually skinny (I have arms on the large side for my size). So...I was just wondering what you thought.

Your top is sooooo cute...I want one of my own!

Debbie said...

Oh..I'm so very glad you said that about the sizing!
Unfortunately...I would not fit into those tiny sizes. I looked at sizing for the pattern online and was very sad to see that I'm a 16!!! It doesn't feel good to be a 16 again after working so hard to lose 50 freakin pounds (I know...freakin is just a substitute word...but..I feel I need it here :-)
Anyways...I'd be making a 16...normally I'm about a 10 depending on the clothing line...but sheesh...

Hey..I think the end is in sight for my mohair shawl...I decided I'm doing three more beaded repeats...that means about 36 more rows...they I'm casting off! Now I have much more motivation to get going and finish it...Really...I could have been done WEEKS ago!