Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Thing that I've really enjoyed this Christmas

I can only remember one Christmas that stressed me out and I felt like I couldn't get anything done. It was a few years ago and if I remember correctly the holiday fell on a weekend. I was jiped of those extra weekend days to get shopping and baking done. Thank goodness Christmas falls in the middle of the week this year.

I am really enjoying this holiday season this year. I don't know if it is because Joy #1 is jazzed up for her birthday or if it's because I'm sharing it with you all. This year I've done some additional stuff that I feel is extra and I do if I want to. Now I'm wondering if these things should be manditory and the rest is extra.

Example A: Christmas Cards. I have never sent out Christmas cards, EVER. Shame on me I know but I've never been a great card sender. I've always thought that this was time consuming, expensive, and a pain. Guess what!? It's not! I had so much fun putting the cards together, addressing them, and putting a surprise inside. I don't know if I got everybody I should have but when people popped in my head they went on the list.

Example B: Giving gifts and tokens to neighbors. I knitted a special hat for my neighbor who does more yard work in my yard than I do. He techinically isn't my neighbor since he doesn't live next door. His mom lives next to me and he comes over and takes care of her yard and throws mine in when he can. The fun of this gift is that he was not expecting it. I love giving gifts to people who you wouldn't (or I wouldn't) normally give to. I also gave baked goodies to his mom and my other neighbor across the street.

Example C: This is another example of giving a gift to someone who doesn't expect one. My mailman. I remember my mom used to always give our mail carrier fudge. It was the norm and somehow we've (I've) gotten away from the norm. I put a card thanking him for delivering even when we don't shovel or get rid of our ice very well and when the dog barks at him. He also got a package of baked goodies. It was so much fun to think how shocked he was at our package. I've lived there 7 years and have always had the same mailman. He wasn't expecting anything from me. Trust me.

I hope you all are having as merry a season as I am. And if not...go find someone who looks wipe out and buy them some coffee. Then you'll find the merry that I've got!

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