I do not like the boot socks I'm knitting for Joy #2. I can't remember ever chucking a whole project. However, the time is come to make peace with the fact that I don't like the boot socks. I've knit one and I just don't like it. Maybe it's the wool I'm using (Knit Picks Swish), it's very soft and squishy but is not giving me the kind of fabric I think boot socks should have. So I'm frogging it and now need to find something else.
I still like the idea of socks but I don't know if I can whip a pair out by V-Day. And because I don't stash, I'll have to make them using leftovers of what I do have. I like the idea of homemade V day presents but homemade for boys is hard.
Ah, what to do, what to do.