Here's some photos I got off the website. I think he's having fun!

Family, friends, & knitting.
Things you would be shocked to know:
Life is good though. The kids are still the perfect blend of entertaining and frustrating. Getting older and wiser (cough) everyday. I added some pictures to assure you that all is well. Those of you in Kansas know that all ready but those of you in Canada might need some reassurance.
Other than having to curb anything domestic related things are swell. Really, I'm living a man's life right now only he would come home to a clean house with dinner on the table. I've only got time for work and for family and that's all I need. I have no guilt whatsoever that my house is dirty. Only a little sadness for not having enough time to enjoy homemaking. And here is the difference from me and many other women out there. They beat themselves up for not getting to it all. I accept the fact that my time is well spent providing for my family and as long as I get to enjoy my kids I could care less if the dog chewed up a styrofoam cup and it's been laying on the landing for 4 days. It's obviously not bothering anyone else or else they would have picked it up right?
Hemlock Ring Blanket : 5.25 skeins of Wool of the Andes Bulky, taupe
The color looks kind of boring in the pictures. It's still plain in real life but not nearly as boring. I really liked knitting this. And somehow I finished it within 2 weeks. I hope it blocks quickly because it's on my bed. I don't really want to sleep on the couch tonight.
I'm cranking out the Hemlock Ring Blanket. I finished the middle flower part in a flash and now I am now working on the fan and feather portion. I'd say I'm 50% done based on how much yarn I've used. There isn't much time to knit in the evenings anymore. The real job is kicking my behind this week. I hope to work on Saturday and get everything caught up so next week won't be so intense.
It is freezing here. Really, negative degrees and all. I don't know how those poor people wearing acrylic are making it!